Sunday, April 6, 2008

Microsoft Office Integration

2 - places like that connect to the main menu to access the account, Excel, Project and the words, actions to activate your account when you feel most comfortable with the features of the data. Today& 39;s your view, not customize your suit. Screen, which displays a range of essential information on an ongoing basis, the account management tasks and reporting capabilities (attached e - mail directly to your customer and vendor records) reulhapnida. The ideal level of integration
this is dependent on the extension of the benefits
account for the employee to access account information, do not provide a complete solution, there is no need to access, as well as people involved in the management of the reporting process. You can control how much information the other hand, to use the license to all users - the need for a pass.
the provided in a range of office productivity tools
substantially in the integration. Here we are more than just a few powerful features highlighted


access analysis and the analysis of Microsoft Excel to access account with a powerful tool integration. Used directly from the menu bar. Suit, the first analysis solution that provides access to Excel for analysis of the data in advance for your preparation - format. Only through a three-step process to start.

in suit you, your analysis, and data elements in the skip time-consuming to prepare. And, if your data to suit Care to share it, to change the basis of your analysis to extract data. Suit without having all that again. The analysis of the easy access, most of the cost - effective way to analyze your business data, and it can be used with all existing Microsoft Excel.

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