Saturday, March 15, 2008

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: Could Be The Best Game Yet To Be Released

Crisis Core is the latest chapter of the Final Fantasy series of computer games produced by Square Enix. This Japanese animated series as grown quite a reputation over the years and could be on of the best games that has yet to be released this year.

The Big Day September 13 2007,

The big day of September 13 2007 is when we should expect to see Crisis Core but don t hold your breath, this game has had more release dates pushed back then I care to remember. One thing is for sure, these release dates have heightened the anticipation for this computer game.

The Trailer for Crisis Core was shown in 2005 to great reviews from everyone who has viewed it. Since that time peoples anticipation and hopes for the game to be released have grown incredibly as each release date has been announced.

Crisis Core when it is finally released will come in both English and Japanese versions.

For A Final Fantasy There Have Been Many Fantasies

For a franchise called Final Fantasy their have been many titles. The first game was created in 1987 and since then has grown a cult following amongst it s English and Japanese fans. The game not only appeals to avid computer gamers but also fans of Japanese animation.

This chapter of the game Crisis Core sees four young warriors traveling to different areas of their world to defeat the four fiends of chaos. Each of the locations look beautifully detailed and very well animated which is what we all expect of Japanese animation.

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